Career Counseling


Finding a job or searching for new job can bring feelings of anxiety and stress, especially when clients have families to support. Our counselors utilize clearly defined strategies to help clients in communities of color find and keep fulfilling jobs. 


  • Assess Client Skills

In order to find a 'good' job, clients need to know the particular skill sets they provide and what they are looking for in life. Through a series of assessments and self-discover exercises, our counselors help our clients better understand themselves so they choose the career path that fits them best. In order to encourage job preparation, ASA also assists participants in acquiring English language skills, advancing their education (e.g., attainment of General Education Diploma (G.E.D.), learning basic financial skills, and improving their economic opportunities. For every provider ASA supports to start a business, 3 of our students will be hired to work and receive pay. The key benefit is the job creation and employability opportunities for others in the community seeking employment.


  • Career Planning

Our counselors help clients imagine where they ideally want to be in the future and the steps they need in order to reach their goals. We help clients create comprehensive, realistic plans that assist them in reaching their wildest dreams.  As part of this program, we meet with clients to help keep them accountable to their job search plans. 


  • Encouraging creativity and innovation

We hold retreats, workshops, and field trips that provide clients with the opportunities to imagine ideal career paths as well as encounter new and innovative workspaces. 


  • Supporting our clients through in their search

Once clients have decided a particular career path that best fits them, ASA provides personalized job coaching covering areas such as job application, networking, and interviewing. ASA measures success through job placement and retention. 

